ITINERARY - Botswana Safari and Capetown

Botswana Safari and Capetown, Sept 10-17, 2017

Gavin Blair Safaris arranged our safari – highly recommended.  Contact well ahead of time to line up the wonderful Gavin as your driver/guide. Camps were all very comfortable and well-appointed and the food was delicious.  

Sept. 9 – Leave Boston

Sept. 10  -- Arrive Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Fly by light aircraft deep into the heart of the Okavango Delta and to Mokoro Camp, Okavanga Delta

Sept. 11 - A full day exploring the Okavango Delta 

Sept. 12 After a last morning activity fly by light aircraft to Savuti Wildlife Camp in the Savuti area of the Chobe National Park.  .  Enjoy your first afternoon of wildlife viewing in Savuti.

Sept. 13  A full day spent wildlife viewing in the Savuti area.  

Sept. 14  After a last morning wildlife viewing we will depart Savuti for the Chobe River area of the Chobe National Park.  Most of the afternoon will be spent wildlife viewing. Overnight at  Chobe Lodge.

Sept. 15  - A full day wildlife viewing in the Chobe National Park 

Sept. 16 After breakfast we will depart Botswana for the short transfer to Victoria Falls and the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge. Afternoon - Victoria Falls.

Sept. 17  Morning – activity of choice. You will later be transferred to Victoria Falls, arriving in plenty of time for your onward connections.


Long Street Boutique Hotel – nice, well-located

Sept. 18

Familiarize ourselves with Capetown with the hop on/hop off bus. 

Tabletop Mountain

Sept 19 


Set up tour ahead of time or do through hotel

Sept 20

Free walking tour of  BoKaap, the Malay settlement in Capetown


Sept 21 


Set up tour ahead of time or do through hotel

Sept 22 

Robbens Island – get tickets ahead of time

Sept. 23 

Tour to the townships (hop-on/hop off bus company tokur)

Evening flight home

Sept. 24 

Arrive Boston