
                                                               Huxinting Tea House

Shanghai was the last stop on our trip to China - such a change from relaxed Kunming! It is crowded, bustling, full of skyscrapers and neon. And it drizzled all day. We spent much of the day in the Shanghai Museum, which has a particularly fine and well-labeled collection of ancient bronzes, jades, and pottery. After that, we started off for the Yu Yuan Garden in the charming Old Town district, but first decided to get a cup of tea at the Huxinting Tea House  while we waited out an especially heavy period of rain. What a surprise -- we ended up with the Chinese version of high tea, including tofu cakes, quail eggs, and sticky rice wrapped in leaf packages. I had jasmine tea, which came in a tall glass with a ball of tea leaves in the bottom. The ball gradually opened up and a jasmine flower rose above it. And it tasted delicious. That evening we took a cruise on the Huangpo River and saw the Bund all lit up at night. Sensational!

Mimi Santini-Ritt 2004