

On our last day in Hawaii we caught an early morning flight to Honolulu, where Roger’s good buddy from law school, Wes Ching, greeted us with leis and took us on a whirlwind tour of the city. We started at the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor – very educational and extremely moving. After lunch we walked through Chinatown, went to the Bishop Museum for a special exhibit of Royal Featherwork, stopped for a quick look at the Iolani Palace and State House, drove up the Punchbowl (the National Cemetery of the Pacific) for a magnificent panoramic view of the city (including the very impressive Diamondhead), watched some surfers, and ended with a truly memorable final meal at Alan Wong’s. It was with great sadness that we said “Aloha” to Hawaii and boarded our red-eye flight back to Boston.

Mimi Santini-Ritt 2006